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Teamwork makes The Dream Work

Teamwork adalah bekerja secara kolaboratif dengan sekelompok individu untuk mencapai tujuan sesuai dengan visi dan misi yang telah disepakati bersama.

Pentingnya teamwork dalam sebuah organisasi yaitu mencapai tujuan dengan mencegah adanya kesalahan, meningkatkan performa individu, mengurangi burnout, serta melatih manajemen konflik dan risiko.

Dengan demikian, landasan teamwork adalah tujuan bersama. Jika setiap anggota tim memiliki tujuan yang berbeda, kolaborasi tidak akan berjalan dengan baik, dan akan menjadi jauh lebih sulit untuk menghasilkan karya yang luar biasa.

Berdasarkan kutipan dari John C. Maxwell yaitu “Teamwork makes the dream work, but a vision becomes a nightmare when the leader has a big dream and a bad team.”

Maka, dalam sebuah tim yang dibutuhkan adalah keinginan untuk saling bergandeng-tangan dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaan supaya mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal. Selain itu, tidak ada pekerjaan yang terlalu berat, tidak ada pencapaian yang terlalu hebat, dan tidak ada impian yang tak terjangkau bagi seorang tim. Saling mengerti dan mendukung satu sama lain merupakan kunci kesuksesan dari teamwork. Dengan memegang prinsip tersebut, maka akan mendapatkan hasil yang luar biasa.

Customer First Academy mengangkat sebuah topik dalam artikel yang berjudul “The Science of Team Dynamics: Teamwork Makes The Dream Work”. Dalam artikel ini akan membahas berbagai hal mengenai teamwork supaya dapat mencapai the dream work. Mitra QR mari kita simak pembahasan menarik ini, selamat membaca dan semoga bermanfaat.


The Science Of Team Dynamics: Teamwork Makes The Dream Work

What is the science behind teamwork?

According to the Harvard Business Review, research suggests the most successful teams have the following characteristics:

  1. Each team member talks and listens equally, keeping things short and sweet.
  2. The members talk and gesture energetically to one another.
  3. All team members communicate directly with each other, not just with the leader.
  4. Within the team, there are back-channel and side discussions.
  5. Members regularly take a break, go outside the team, and bring back information.

More recent research is also starting to explore the effects of a more collaborative and diverse workforce. So far, they have found that emotions are contagious in teams and that a team’s emotional state can have a significant impact on its performance.

They have also found that team learning is absolutely essential to businesses today. That means that not only will your teams work together, but also grow together. This can be a complex process, but we do know that it’s important.

Why does teamwork make the dream work?

The first step to building a great team is understanding group dynamics. Group dynamics is the study of how people interact with each other in groups. It’s all about understanding human behavior in a group setting.

Groups or teams are generally described

There are a few key concepts in group dynamics that are important to understand when building a team. These concepts include task allocation, social loafing, and (of course) teamwork. Let’s take a look at each one!

Task allocation is the process of distributing tasks among team members. It’s important to allocate tasks based on each person’s strengths and weaknesses. This will ensure that the team is able to work efficiently and effectively towards its goal.

Social loafing

Social loafing is the tendency for people to slack off when they are working in a group. This is often because people feel like their individual contributions won’t make a difference. To combat social loafing, it’s important to give everyone a specific task and make sure that everyone knows their role on the team.


Teamwork is essential for any group project. Teamwork allows people to pool their resources and skills to accomplish a common goal. When teamwork is done right, it can lead to amazing results!

By understanding group dynamics, you can create a team that is capable of accomplishing anything!

How does teamwork make the dream work?

Teamwork is really what makes the dream work because, unlike simple task allocation, it takes into account the fact that people are social creatures. We work better when we feel like we’re part of a team and when we know that our individual contributions matter.

Building a great team is essential to any organization’s success. But great teams take work.

So how do you foster a great team? There is research being done by psychologists and other researchers on what makes a great team. At the most basic level, a team or group has the following characteristics:

  • Social identity
  • Interdependence
  • Shared goals
  • Appropriate task structure

Social identity

A sense of social identity means that team members see themselves as part of the team and identify with the team’s goals. This can be cultivated by emphasizing team membership and encouraging team pride.

Team pride may be initiated by the team leader, but the leader should also leave room for other members to take ownership of the team and its identity. This helps to foster a sense of shared responsibility and commitment to the team’s success.


Speaking of shared responsibility…interdependence means that team members rely on each other to achieve their goals.  This can be fostered by assigning tasks that require team collaboration, and by providing opportunities for team members to give and receive feedback.

It’s also important to create an environment in which team members feel comfortable relying on each other. This may mean establishing ground rules for communication and conflict resolution.

Shared goals

Shared goals are essential for teamwork – if everyone is working towards a common goal, it’s much easier to accomplish! These goals are not limited to the task at hand; they can also include things like team bonding and building relationships.

For example, the team may be working to improve customer satisfaction but may also find that they all want to improve the office culture in the same way. The team leader should allow room for these shared goals to emerge and should help the team to accomplish them while still achieving their main objective.

Appropriate task structure

Appropriate task structure simply means that the tasks are distributed evenly among team members and everyone has a clear understanding of their role on the team. This could be written out in a task list or simply discussed among team members.

It’s important to make sure that everyone understands their role and how it fits into the bigger picture. Otherwise, it can be easy for team members to feel like they’re not contributing or that their role is unimportant.

By understanding these basic concepts, you can start to build a strong and productive team. Remember, teamwork makes the dream work!

So, what does all this mean for you?

It means that if you want to build a great team, you need to focus on teamwork. Make sure that everyone on the team has a role to play and that they understand the importance of their contribution. Encourage side discussions and break time, and create an environment where people feel comfortable sharing their emotions. Finally, make sure that your team has the opportunity to learn and grow together.


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